かれーうどん屋 匠 出島うどん

かれーうどんや たくみ でじまうどん

長崎電軌5系統 / メディカルセンター駅 徒歩3分(190m)
カレーうどん うどん 洋食 カレー

Nagasaki Shoku-Dou..... Today the restaurant I baravely recommend to you is Nagasaki Shoku-Do. Well, Shoku-Do means that you can eat both cheaply and fastly there. As you know, unlike bigger restaurants like Mc.Donald personal restaurants, smaller one in other words, tend to serve dishes more expensively because of the scales. However, Takumi doesn't apply for that. Each menu Takumi serves is about 600 yen and has big amount for the price. That's why I love visiting there. You can understand that closer to the day I get salary, more often I visit there for lunch. You never get bored to wait for your dishes even if your smart phone is out of battery. Around you many-many comic books get you enjoyed. You may forget ordering by any chance. Today what I ordered was "Toruko-Rice". Toruko-Rice is very famous as well-known local dishes. Usually Toruko-Rice includes Tonkatsu, tomato-spaghetti, salad and rice. Of course, it was arranged depending on restaurants. This Toruko-Rice is a little bit expensive compared to other menu; 980 yen. To be honest, I felt less than I expected. If you have so much curry as it covers Tonkatsu, it must be better. If you visit there for lunch, it is not beside point that you have curry. You must feel satisfied to get it for the price. F


かれーうどん屋 匠 出島うどんの店舗情報

店舗基本情報 修正依頼

予約・問い合わせ 095-822-6800
  • カレーうどん
  • うどん
  • 洋食
  • カレー

住所 修正依頼

                長崎電軌5系統 / メディカルセンター駅 徒歩3分(190m)
長崎電軌1系統 / 新地中華街駅 徒歩3分(220m)
長崎電軌1系統 / 出島駅 徒歩4分(270m)                        

