妻が、お隣の中華雑貨のお店で、ハーブ茶の材料を買った後、このお店に伺いました。漢方の専門家もいらして、お茶をいただいたあと、妻の体調にあったハーブのおすすめを処方していただきました。既にお隣で買った材料も合わせて、考えていただけたので、すごく良心的。漢方の好きな方にはおすすめです。 This is my first time to visit this Chinese cafe. They serve Chinese tea and also a specialist for Chinese herbs can arrange herbs after some questions about your health conditions by some extra fee. She could arrange combination with some herbs which we already had and sell some extra which needs to be added. In case you are big fan of Chinese herbs, this cafe is one of my recommendation.