テレビ番組に影響されて、伺ってしまいました。おなし事を考える人が多かったと見えて、正月早々超満員。1時間近く待つことになりました。おいしいという評価の炒飯、五目あんかけラーメン、勿論餃子もいただきました。(痛恨の撮影忘れ)改めて美味しさを再認識しました。 This is Japanese dumplings restaurant located in the shopping mall EAON close to Tennoucho station. There were TV show last night which evaluated dishes in this restaurant by famous chef of Chinese restaurant and many dishes were evaluated as outstanding then I wanted to try. Many people thought same and it was full of customers waiting for the table. I recognized dishes they serve were quite outstanding and realized that I would repeat again.
またまた、伺ってしました。夏バテ対策で餃子でスタミナをつけましょう。美味しいお食事をお値打ち価格でいただけるお店です。 I went to this restaurant for dinner and got dumplings. This franchisee serves nice dumplings and other dishes like fryed rice at reasonable price.
餃子の王将に行こうと言うことで伺いました。勿論餃子も注文したのですが、まさかの写真撮影忘れ。炒飯と天津丼を別にいただきました。なかなかのお味で人気の理由も頷けます。 I went to this famous franchisee of restaurant which sererves dumplings. We ordered dumplings other than the fried rice but forgot to take a picture and no photo for dumplings. Their dishes are so nice.